список фанфиков на чтение) где-то его надо хранить :D

Characters/Pairings: Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura, Miranda Jones, an abundance of OCs; Kirk/Spock Warnings: an abundance of minor TOS characters and (mostly alien) OCs. Also major douche-y-ness from everyone for a while, but then bam! rom-com. Beware.
Rating: R
Word Count: ~35k
Summary: Even when they hate each other, they're still sort of falling in love.

Title: Whatever a Moon Has Always Meant
Fandom: Star Trek
Pairings: Kirk/Sulu, Sulu/Chekov, Kirk/Chekov, Kirk/Sulu/Chekov
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~120,000

Title: Take Refuge in What You Know
Author: corpus_invictus
Rating: Adult
Word count: ~118,000

Character/Pairing(s): Ensemble; Kirk/Spock (background McCoy/Uhura)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 22,700
Warnings: None, except for: this is what happens when I make a conscious effort to write comedy.
Author's Notes: AKA When Jim Met Spock, or the pon farr romcom. The only TOS thing I took as canon for this fic was Amok Time; the rest is all lies about Vulcan reproductive and marriage rites. As well as shenanigans.

Ghosts by jaye_voye (Spock/McCoy [Kirk/Spock], R, ~43,600 words)

@темы: Star Trek, Slash, Rec-list, Fanfiction

02.08.2012 в 01:20

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